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Diego Luna Rewatches Star Wars, Narcos, Andor, Frida & More

Diego Luna sits down to rewatch scenes from his own movies and television shows 'Y tu mamá también,' 'Frida,' 'Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights,' 'The Terminal,' 'Narcos: Mexico,' 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' and 'Andor.' Director: Funmi Sunmonu Director of Photography: AJ Young Editor: Sammy Cortino Talent: Diego Luna Producer: Ashley Hall Line Producer: Jen Santos Associate Producer: Clarissa Davis Production Manager: Andressa Pelachi and Peter Brunette Production Coordinator: Carolina Wachockier Talent Booker: Lauren Mendoza Camera Operator: Lucas Vilicich Audio: Kara Johnson Art Department: Sage Griffin Post Production Supervisor: Marco Glinbizzi Assistant Editor: Ben Harowitz

Released on 09/28/2022


[music playing]

Oh no, I cannot look.



Hello everyone, I'm Diego Luna.

I'm here to revisit some things of my career.

Join me.

[theme music]

[Luisa] Listen, I've loved getting to know you.

No, really. Sometimes you're real assholes,

but in the end, you turned out to be

a couple of awesome guys.

Y Tu Mama Tambien is film directed by Alfonso Cuaron.

I think I was 18 years old when I shot it

and playing a little younger.

It was just a wonderful experience, you know, for me.

That scene you saw, it's a one shot scene.

We did it so many times.

It was so long also and it was shot in film.

Y Tu Tambien, there was no digital back then,

or it wasn't, I mean, it was never an option.

Lubezki had to carry a huge mag

to have like the amount of film

you need for a 10 minute shot

and it was so heavy.

I remember for him, it was, that was a problem

and we were on sand.

So it was very difficult to move with the camera.

Gael, Maribel, and I are supposed to be very drunk

and there's a music box

at the end of the shot

at the end of the place.

She walks to the music box

and plays the song that became iconic.

[Julio Zapata] Luisa!

[Tenoch Iturbide] Luisa,

To moms!


And she comes back dancing

and they start dancing

and that's where the threesome starts to happen, you know?

They start dancing, the three of them

and it's quite an iconic scene.

Gladly, I love this scene

and I'm happy to see it over and over.

So this is basically the reason why I was

so happy to play this role and so excited

about the idea of being part of this universe

because I thought it was so bold,

so interesting

so unique to have an ending like this, you know?

And there's been a lot, I mean,

I remember people saying we shot different endings,

and just to be clear,

the day I was offered this role I knew this was it.

It was one film and I knew what the end was gonna be.

And it's one of the things that excited me the most,

that Star Wars was gonna do that, was gonna show

what sacrifice means and was gonna go for it.

[suspenseful music]

Your father would've been proud of you, Jen.

I thought he was very smart move,

also, since the audience of Star Wars, it's so wide.

It's like it goes from my father to my son,

basically there was a big chunk

of the audience that has grown

since the beginning of Star Wars,

and this was a very mature,

dark, interesting approach

to Star Wars that

I thought was needed as a fan

and we were with this film,

we were allowed to be different.

It was a standalone,

it had a beginning and an end,

not like everything else in Star Wars.

I remember having to answer the question of like,

Oh, how does it feel,

for how long are you gonna be in Star Wars?

How many films you're gonna do?,

and I just couldn't answer, you know?

But I knew that was it.

And in fact, it made complete sense

that I was just there for one film.

It's a language I speak, you know?

It's like, Okay,

I'm committing for a film that has a beginning and an end

that I'm gonna shoot,

then promote, then release,

and then watch as part of the audience again, you know?

And that's it.

It's over.

It was really nice.


What's the hurry?

Got some place to be?


Not happy to see me,

but no love for Nancy.

No, I'm late.

Oh, I know.

I want my deposit back.

I wish I could,

but it's in play.

Just waiting to hear.

They're on site.

Yeah, this is Andor.

After everything I said about Rogue One, [laughs]

I got a phone call. [laughs]

I got a phone call from Lucas Film saying,

Would you be willing to explore the possibility of

of revisiting the character

and telling the story of his past,

the background of Cassian?

I was really excited, to be honest.

Besides going back to this universe

and working with these people again,

it made sense.

For me,

Rogue One is a film

that is pretty much about an event,

but you don't get to know where these characters come from,

why they do what they do.

What takes someone to be, to feel ready to

sacrifice everything for a cost, you know?

You're here with him.

To what?

To threaten me?

You let him talk you into this?

The subject is money.

I just asked you a question.


Since when do you take orders from Nurturer?

Don't answer that.

You need work this bad?

Leave him out of it.

You chose the scene

with the most humor of Andor

because it's a pretty dark show.

This is just people surviving,

and it's about,

the whole show is about

how the rebellion articulates.

It's about the awakening of a revolution.

This is Cassian a few years before

when he doesn't know he's capable

of doing what he does in Rogue One.

We'll see the journey of a man that

gets to be the guy you met in Rogue One.

Hello, ugly.

They're beautiful.

How do you feel?

Like I've been hit by a bus.

Oh, come on, silly.

Come, come, come sit with me.


So this is Frida.

That's Selma playing Frida.

I play the the first boyfriend

and the one that's with Frida

when she has the accident.

My aunt and my uncle are leaving for Europe

and they invite me to come along.

That's wonderful.

When would you leave?


I remember I was freaking out.

It's not the first time I work in English,

but it was one of the firsts

and it felt weird because I mean, gladly

the character was supposed to have an accent.

In fact, it was a convention.

I mean, the characters speak in English basically.

I guess today there would be a lot of complaints

if the film was in English, you know?

I remember struggling with performing in English.

It was really difficult to to really let go, you know?

I remember doing so many tests for that film

and I was so glad when they told me I was elected,

and it was beautiful.

Not just to work with Julie, but with Selma.

It really became an important relation

in my life 'till today.

It was important

and it was nice to do a film this big in Mexico

and have all this talent there.

So she had a boyfriend?


For how long?

Two years?

What happened?

Eat shit.


Eat shit.

Eat shit?

Eat shit.

Eat shit, eat shit, eat shit.

This is The Terminal,

directed by Steven Spielberg.

Obviously, you can see that's Tom Hanks,

I was just looking at it

because this one, I haven't seen in a long time,

and people remind me of this film a lot.

I guess I felt really comfortable

for the first time speaking in English

because Tom was doing a more

difficult accent to understand, basically.

I guess it was also a film full of different accents,

not just me.

Like there was so many different accents,

and it felt so right.

One man.


Two womens.



Crowded, you know?

We were doing a film

that happens at this airport

where people come from everywhere,

and I guess it's justified.

Also, it was a very important film

because I was asked to be on a film by Steven Spielberg.

All of that happened because of Y Tu Mama Tambien.

For me, that's really important to share, also,

because I think people miss a lot of time

trying to emulate the story of others

instead of writing your own, you know?

And your own can get you really far.

I saw the documentary before doing the film,

the documentary.

The real story of this guy,

which is so much darker

than the film.

It was beautiful to witness

the process of of Steven Spielberg.

I don't know if it's like that every time, but on that film,

it felt like a kid playing, you know?

A kid that had all the toys he wanted to play with

which he totally deserves.

For him it was just that you could feel that

kind of like freedom on set

of exploring and giving.

Exploring with patience and that looseness

it felt like a very joyful process.

He cheats?


You say he cheats?

Shit, no, no, cheat?



No cheat.

No cheat.

No cheat.

Yeah, yeah.

I won't cheat, not shit.

She's a nice girl.

She won't take your shit.

It was nice to go through that experience, also,

because suddenly I was there in a huge, gigantic set.

It reminded me that it was,

again, about the the little stuff,

the stuff that happens between the actors

trying to create a moment.

No matter how many toys were around

and the production size and everything,

at the end everything happened in a very simple way.

Thanks for watching the scenes with me,

and watch as much cinema as you can.

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