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Chris Hemsworth Takes a Lie Detector Test

Vanity Fair's May cover star Chris Hemsworth takes our infamous lie detector test. Between him and Matt Damon, who usually pays the bill? Does he think he's fashionable enough to be a co-chair for the 2024 Met Gala? Is it true that his little brother Liam also auditioned for "Thor"?

Read Chris Hemsworth’s full cover story here:

Director: Funmi Sunmonu
Director of Photography: Ricardo Pomares
Editor: Richard Trammell
Talent: Chris Hemsworth
Producer: Emebeit Beyene
Production Manager: Andressa Pelachi
Talent Booker: Lauren Mendoza
Camera Operator: Nick Massey
Sound Recordist: Mike Robertson
Production Assistant: Lauren Boucher, Brock Spitaels
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow

Released on 04/29/2024


[Interviewer] Are you a better action hero

than this person?

Uh oh, hang on.

[laughs] Hang on.

I don't, I don't like saying these things.

[Interviewer] Chris, we've brought you here today

to take a lie detector test.


I feel like I'm in prison.

[machine clicking and buzzing]

Wrap this around your chest.

[somber music]

[Interviewer] Are you ready?


[Interviewer] I'm gonna ask you a few questions.


[Interviewer] To get a baseline for the machine.

Please answer honestly.

Is your name Christopher Hemsworth?


[Interviewer] Are you from Melbourne, Australia?


[Interviewer] Have you been called the sexiest man alive?

[laughs] Yes.

[Interviewer] Okay then, let's start with your life.

You've said your kids have criticized your movies.

Are you offended by their harsh critiques?


What did it say?

That is true.

True, good. [laughs]

[Interviewer] What's the most critical thing

they've said about your movies?

The most critical thing they've said.

I can't remember specifics.

I've seen them walk out of my movies.

Yeah, just get bored and walk away.

[Interviewer] Ouch.

Your daughter made her acting debut

in Thor: Love and Thunder.

Did she have to audition for the role?

She did.

I had to, it was my idea that she would,

that she could be in the film.

And then so, I filmed her on my iPhone

reading a bunch of the lines.

And then I sent it to Taika and the people at Marvel.

[Interviewer] Would you do another movie together?


I sort of, that was, when she did that film,

originally she was supposed to have a whole bunch

of prosthetics and so on, and I thought, oh yeah, it's good.

I don't wanna have her face up there

on the screen at this age.

And then the character changed,

and she didn't have all that, those prosthetics.

And then I sort of, with my wife and I had

that conversation about,

do we want her to be on the screen yet?

And so on.

And got a bit nervous about it all.

And then she's asked me to do,

she wants to be in more films and act more.

And we just said maybe wait a few years.

So, but one day for sure, I'd love to.

Love spending time with her,

so I'd love to do a film with her, yeah.

[Interviewer] So she must be in Furiosa, right?

She is not, no.

[Interviewer] Oh.

[laughs] I wanna know what's going on,

is it all working?

Is it telling you

that I don't like my daughter or something? [laughs]

'Cause I do, the machine's wrong.

[Interviewer] Speaking of family,

your older brother said growing up you all fought so much

it was like the Hemsworth house of horrors.

So were you the troublemaker?

One of.

One of three.

Was I the main troublemaker?


[Interviewer] Is it because you have middle child energy?

I think so.

That is true.

Damn it.

[Interviewer] Are you the favorite?

[laughs] Yes.

[Reviewer] Also truthful.


Am I the favorite?

Oh, that's hilarious.

I mean, I think I am, yeah.

Sorry, Luke, sorry, Liam.

Machine doesn't lie.

There's so much truth this thing exploded off my chest.

[Reviewer] That's exactly what happened.

[Interviewer] Is it true that you were

really good friends with this person?


[Interviewer] Is he as good at surfing as you?


[Interviewer] What about skiing?

Oh no, he's a much better skier.

I snowboard, he skis.

But he's much better on the mountain than I am.

[Interviewer] Is your friendship

just going on cool trips together?


[Interviewer] Who usually picks up the bill?

I'd say we split it.

The machine is detecting some deception.

Well hang on, lemme just clarify.

He's very good at getting the bill first,

but I certainly offer to pay, or attempt to pay.

And he's very good at getting there first. [laughs]

That is true. That is true?

Yeah, there we go.

Doesn't mean I didn't try.

[Interviewer] You are one of

the Met Gala co-chairs this year.

Would you consider yourself a fashionable person?


Do I think they made a mistake?


[Interviewer] So are you pretty nervous?

A little bit, yeah.

[Interviewer] Do you think your past red carpets

have prepared you for the role?

Yeah, that's what I'm gonna wear.

What am I wearing?

I'm wearing flip flops on a red carpet.

Just breaking all the rules.

Fashion icon.

[Interviewer] Let's move on to your career.

You were on Dancing with the Stars Australia.


[Interviewer] Is this something you are proud of?

Not really.

[Interviewer] Is it because you didn't win?

No, I just kind of felt like a fool.

But I needed the money.

And it got me, it gave me enough money to come to LA.

[Interviewer] Would you ever appear on

the American version of Dancing with the Stars?

No, no.

It's nothing against the show,

it's just I'm not a very good dancer.

[Interviewer] Would you ever do another reality show?

No, no.

Documentary style shows, sure.

But not like a reality show.

Little sideways glance.

[Interviewer] Is it true that this person

auditioned for your role in Thor?

Yes, he did.


[Interviewer] Were you worried he'd get it over you?

No, 'cause I wasn't,

I was told I didn't have the part at that point,

so I was excited for him.

A little jealous maybe, but I was excited for him.

Then when I was allowed to re-audition,

it was when he was outta the picture.

So we never were neck and neck.

It was either, I was involved then wasn't,

and he was involved then wasn't, then I was involved.

He's being truthful.

This is terrifying, this game.

[Interviewer] Is there a role of his

that you wish was yours?

No, no.

[Interviewer] Not even The Last Song?

[laughs] The Last Song.


The world would've been,

his life would be very different, wouldn't it?

[Reviewer] It's inconclusive, actually.


Do I wanna be in The Last Song?


What's it say?

[Reviewer] That's inconclusive.

[Interviewer] Have you ever pretended to be him?


When someone's come up and said, Liam, can I have a photo?

He did it too, actually.

The first premier I went to for Star Trek,

I came out, and a few people come up and got photos.

And he just looked at me and went, no worries, sure.

'Cause they thought he was me.

[Interviewer] Is it true that your wife stepped in

for this person during a Thor kissing scene?

She did, yeah.

So Natalie wasn't there,

and we were doing re-shoots, we were in Hong Kong.

And they had brought in a handful of lovely ladies

who were potentially gonna be the stand-in for Jane.

And then I said, my wife just landed,

why don't we just get her?

[Interviewer] Did you request to kiss your wife

instead of Natalie?

I did.

[Interviewer] Is it because you knew

it would be a good story to talk about on talk shows?

I knew it would make a great Vanity Fair

lie detector test question.

I don't know if I've told it on a talk show.

I just knew she was a good kisser, so.

That is true.

[Interviewer] You have worked as

the global ambassador of tourism for Australia.

Did you enjoy that job?


I got to go on a bunch of trips

around Australia, and travel around,

and see some really cool places.

[Interviewer] So you clearly have

a lot of Australian pride.


Australian pride, yeah.

I mean, yeah, as in, yeah.

Yeah, sometimes.

What did that say?

[Interviewer] Is this movie your favorite film?

Is this movie my favorite film?


I love Baz Luhrmann.

It's not my favorite film.

Nothing against the film.

I have other films that are my favorite.

[Interviewer] Do you clap at this person's AMC ads?

What's, I don't even know, what's AMC?

A movie theater chain. Oh.

I haven't even seen her in an AMC ad.

I clap at this person though.

[Interviewer] Let's move on to pop culture.

You've said you don't consider yourself an action hero.

Is that true?

No, I mean, I play action heroes,

but I'm not sure what that means.

What do you...

I like to think I have more to offer

than just being an action hero.

Maybe that's it.

[Interviewer] What makes a good action hero?

The individuals that I watch kinda

in the action hero space have a great amount of charisma.

There's athleticism.

And they're solid actors too, you know.

[Interviewer] Are you a better action hero than...

Uh oh, hang on.

[Interviewer] This person?

[laughs] Hang on.

I don't, I don't like saying these things. [laughs]

Am I better in what way?

What do you mean, what do you mean? [laughs]

Oh, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.

He is a good action hero.

He's a great action hero.

Am I a better action hero is the question?

Oh, I don't know, god.

Come on, this gets, this is gonna get dissected,

and pulled apart, and he's gonna dissect me.

I think he's a good action hero.

That's, we answered that.

Who is better is what I refuse to answer,

on the grounds that it may incriminate me.

Would I wear that suit?

No. That is true.

[Chris laughs]

[Interviewer] This person?

What about this guy?

I love him.

Two great action heroes.

Would I kick both their asses?


That is truthful.

That is in real life though, fellas.

So, I love 'em both.

I went snowboarding with him at Christmas time.

He's a better snowboarder than me.

Doesn't wear a helmet either.


[Interviewer] The world already knows about

your Avengers group chat.

So, is it still active?


Do you ever put it on mute?


That is a lie.

[Chris laughs]

I never put it on mute.

Have I ever put the Avengers chat on mute?


[Reviewer] Inconclusive.

Still giving deception.

The machine's broken.

Can I fly?


What'd it say?

Inconclusive. Hang on.

Can I fly?

Yes, I can fly.


God damn it!

And by the end of this interview, I can fly.

[Interviewer] Right.

If the chat is still active, did you all discuss Madame Web?


He's telling the truth.

I haven't seen Madame Web, so I couldn't discuss it.

[Interviewer] Is it safe to say you're a huge fan of...

I'm getting nervous now.

[Interviewer] This person?

Oh yes.

[Interviewer] How many times have you seen him in concert?


Twice in the same weekend. [laughs]

[Interviewer] Do you think that's a little much.

I mean, you'll have to ask him.

No, not at all.

I'm a supportive friend and fan.

[Interviewer] How many more concerts

before it gets creepy?

I think it might be at the creepy stage, right?

How many more times before it's really creepy?

Like 50.

That's inconclusive. 10.

[Reviewer] He's telling the truth.

[Interviewer] If you're such a big fan of Ed's,

can you tell me how this lyric ends?

A club isn't the best place to find a lover so...

I don't know the lyrics no. [humming]

I mean, I like him, I like his music.

I don't know all the words.

See, I'm not a creepy fan, am I?

[Interviewer] Would you see this person

that many times in concert?

Three, yeah.

I've never seen her any times in concert.

But I would if she invited me.

But she didn't.

[Interviewer] Okay, final question.

Did you lie at any point during this lie detector test

and we didn't catch you?

Did I, I can't remember.

I don't think so.

I told the truth once and it said I was a liar.

But, one more question.

Ask me if I can fly.

Go, come on.

[Interviewer] Can you fly?


He's being deceptive.

God damn it.

Hang on, one more time, one more time, one more time.


Can you fly? Yes.

Detecting deception.

God, stop it.

Can I fly?


God damn it.

Damn it, okay, okay, okay.

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